Spotlight on… RKM Cranes
In this picture , Bill Cottrell from RKM Cranes, readies the man basket so that the members of FOL can start the taking down of all the lights and angel from the Chuck Perrin Memorial Tree at the Aggie Hall.
RKM Cranes has stepped forward for years when it’s time to put the angel up and take her down. They have donated the crane and driver and time for however long it takes.
In April, members of the Festival of Lights as well as members of the Rotary Club and RKM proceeded to take down EVERYTHING in the tree. Over the years the tree has grown beyond the “lighting infrastructure” and the Rotary Club has volunteered to rebuild it so that all the lights will no longer be buried in the tree. The whole project took the better part of the day and now it’s time to start rebuilding.
Festival normally re-bulbs the tree every three years, as it’s a fairly labour-intensive project, but this year with the help of the Rotary it’s been decided to redo everything and the goal is to replace all the lights with LED bulbs.